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Kartu Ucapan Selamat Menikah

Senin, 04 April 2011 0 komentar
Untuk memperbesar (1600X1200) silahkan klik photo nya..//..File : 999kb

Hanya Editan sederhana dari saya pribadi, kalau jelek mohon di beri saran & nasehat nya ya :D....
S'moga bisa membantu Sobat :D....

Otak kiri vs otak kanan

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011 0 komentar

Otak kanan atau kiri, mana yang lebih baik ?
Untuk yang satu ini sepertinya sangat susah untuk dijawab, mengingat otak kanan maupun otak kiri mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda. Akan tetapi, menurut para ahli, sebagian besar orang di dunia hidup dengan lebih mengandalkan otak kirinya.
Doug Hall mengatakan, dominasi kerja otak orang mempengaruhi kepribadian :

Si otak kanan : humoris, simple, menyenangkan, boros, lebih percaya intuisi, berantakan-kacau, ide = ekspresi diri, lebih memilih perasaan sebagai solusi masalah, suka bertualang, bermimpi besar, tukang sorak, “pelanggar aturan”, bebas, spontan.

Si otak kiri : serius, rumit, membosankan, hemat, lebih percayai fakta, rapi-terorganisir, ide = profitabilitas, lebih memilih keilmuan, hati-hati, berpengetahuan umum, pendukung diam, pembuat aturan, konservatif, mudah ditebak.

Mana yang dulu digunakan : Otak Kanan atau Otak Kiri?

Anda si Otak Ekstrem Kanan atau Si Ekstrem Otak Kiri atau Si Otak Seimbang? Mana dulu yang sebaiknya digunakan, Otak Kanan dulu baru Otak Kiri atau sebaliknya? Ingat cerita : bagaimana awalnya Archimides mengungkap tentang massa jenis? Mana dulu yang digunakan Archimides otak kanan atau otak kirinya? Bagaimana awalnya Newton mengungkap tentang gravitasi? Mana dulu yang digunakan Newton, otak kanan atau kiri? Bagaimana awalnya Einstein dengan teori relativitasnya? Mana dulu yang digunakan Einstein, otak kanan atau otak kiri? Atau ide menjual air di negeri yang penuh air (AQUA) oleh Tirto Utomo? Mana yang digunakan Tirto Utomo, otak kanan atau otak kirinya? Ketika dia menjual air minum 250 mm seharga Rp 500,00; sementara PDAM menjual air bersih seribu liter seharga Rp 2 ribu?

Ingat cerita George Eastment, pendiri Eastment Kodak, menyatakan bahwa merek "Kodak" yang melegenda itu, huruf "K", muncul secara intuitif. Sam Walton, pendiri Walt Mart, menggunakan intuisinya ketika mendirikan sebuah toko pada tahun 1962, kini dia memiliki 1.300 toko. John Mihalasky dan E Douglas Dean menemukan bahwa 80% CEO yang sukses memiliki intuisi di atas rata-rata.

Dr. Makoto Shichida, seorang spesialis perkembangan anak balita, dalam bukunya Right Brain Education in Infancy menjelaskan sebuah hasil studi di Nippon Medical Center oleh Prof. Shinagawa terhadap seorang anak yang bernama Yuka Hatano. Yuka Hatano adalah seorang juara dunia menghitung cepat, yang mampu menghitung 16 digit soal LEBIH CEPAT daripada kalkulator ! Ketika Yuka melakukan perhitungan tersebut, melalui PET scan terlihat bahwa yang mengendalikan fungsi otaknya adalah otak kanan bagian belakang. Di sekolah Shichida, saya (Shinagawa) melihat bagaimana anak-anak SD mampu membaca 1 jilid buku hanya dalam waktu 3-5 menit saja, dan dia tahu persis apa isi buku yg dibacanya. Menurutnya, dia seperti memotret atau men-dowload tiap-tiap halaman buku tsb, dan ketika ditanya, dia akan membuka tiap-tiap halaman bukunya di dalam otaknya untuk mencari jawabannya dengan cepat.

Otak Kiri – Otak Kanan
Aku dan Otak Kanan | Heri Noto | Juli 14, 2008 at 04:57
Seorang guru yang mengajar berhitung untuk kelas 3 SD, Masuk kelas dengan malas. ”Anak-anak, sekarang kita belajar berhitung,” kata guru. ”Jumlahkan bilangan : 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+…. dan seterusnya sampai terakhir tambah 2000 !” perintah guru. Guru tersebut berfikir bahwa anak-anak tidak akan mempu menyelesaikan tugas tersebut, yaitu menjumlahkan bilangan dari 1 sampai 2000 dalam waktu 2 jam – bahkan jika pakai kalkulator sekalipun. Sehingga guru tersebut dapat duduk-duduk santai saja. Tetapi tidak. Hanya dalam waktu sekitar 1 menit, seorang murid mengacungkan tangan dan berkata ”Saya bisa, saya sudah selesai”. Guru tersebut kaget, ”Mana mungkin,” pikirnya. Tetapi murid tersebut memang bisa, dan benar. Ia mengatakan jawaban dari soal itu adalah 2.001.000. Bagaimana caranya?
Murid itu mampu menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan baik dan cepat karena menggunakan otak kanan dan otak kiri secara harmonis. Otak kiri berpikir dengan cara urut, bagian perbagian, dan logis. Sementara otak kanan melengkapinya dengan cara berpikir acak, holistik, dan kreatif.
Coba kita perhatikan cara murid itu menggunakan otak kiri dan otak kanannya sebagai berikut. Pertama, tuliskan kebali soal berhitung di atas sebagai berikut.

1+2+3+4+…. ….+1997+1998+1999+2000 = ….. ?

Pada saat kita mencoba menggunakan otak kiri saja, pasti sulit. Tapi coba gunakan otak kanan yang acak, … jumlahkan yang pertama dan terakhir. Kita peroleh :

1 + 2000 = 2001
2 + 1999 = 2001
3 + 1998 = 2001
4 + 1997 = 2001 dan seterusnya.

Sehingga kita peroleh jawaban 2001 x 1000 = 2.001.000

Dalam proses belajar atau kehidupan sehari-hari, orang sering hanya menggunakan setengah kemampuannya saja yaitu otak kiri.
Saat kita belajar di sekolah misalnya, kita biasa dituntut untuk berpikir urut dan logis saja. Tetapi, seperti telah kita lihat dalam contoh anak kelas 3 SD di atas, kita perlu menggunakan setengah kemampuan yang lainnya yaitu otak kanan. Kita memang perlu keberanian untuk mencoba menggunakan otak kanan yang berpikir secara acak, menyeluruh dan kreatif itu. Sebagimana seekor burung dapat terbang bebas menggunakan dua sayapnya, sayap kiri dan kanan. Demikian juga kita, manusia dapat menerbangkan kecerdasan otak, kecerdasan berpikir setinggi langit dengan sayap-sayapnya, otak kiri dan otak kanan.

Ada sebuah test menarik yang saya ambil dari situs The Daily Telegraph, sebuah test yang menguji otak mana yang sedang Anda gunakan. Coba perhatikan gambar penari di bawah ini. Apakah Anda melihat penari tersebut berputar searah jarum jam? Ataukah malah sebaliknya?


Apabila Anda melihatnya berputar searah jarum jam, berarti Anda lebih banyak menggunakan otak kanan Anda, begitu juga sebaliknya. Nah setelah itu fokus dan cobalah merubah arah putaran untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada bagian lain otak Anda untuk bekerja. Ayo… Anda pasti bisa! __________________

Elephant White 2011

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xubuntu 10.10 Beta

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xubuntu 10.10 beta desktop amd 64 iso Multilang | 688.82 MB


Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 -- x86 x64

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Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 -- x86 x64

What is Ultimate Edition 2.8?
Ultimate Edition was built off Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. All updates fully updated / upgraded. The software you have came to love with previous editions of Ultimate Edition have been also pre-installed along with 12 new ones. I must apologise at time of build Cinelerra & wine doors were currently broken and did not make the cut.

I also want to apologise for the delay and at the same time thank my admin for the delay of Ultimate Edition 2.8?s release. Many issues have been squashed in 2.8 because of the delay. I do want to give a shout out to JohnnyG. Many were cosmetic, he has a real eye for detail and breaking things down to a programmers level. Thanks again JohnnyG. Cowboy’s handiwork at the theme has won the poll and will be deemed “Cowboy Blue”. This is not the end of the thanks that need to be dropped simply the tip of the iceberg. I would be chatter boxing all day to give the kudos where they lie. No, I do not do everything. Don’t like the blue theme? There are 107 themes to choose from, it does not have to be dark.

Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.8
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Release Base: Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
Environments: Gnome
Filesize: 2.4 GB (2,579,570,688 bytes)
MD5SUM: 5661e6972953f61bf009c8759c04ddbd


Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.8
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)
Environments: Gnome
Filesize: 2.5 GB (2,715,668,480 bytes)
MD5SUM: c1233a4a46af9b78ff84e1c478773e76


Windows Vista Alien Edition 32Bit

0 komentar

Platform: Windows
Compilation Date: 30.04.2010
Version: Based on Windows Vista Home Premium 32 Bit Service Pack 2
Category : Operating System
Activation: 30 days trial
CD-Key : Needed
Size: 3.31 GB
Number of Rar parts: N/A
No of DVD's: 1
Image Format: ISO Image File
MD5Sum Value:
File Format : UDF
Installation Time : 25 Min's
Burning Software : ImgBurn (Recommended)
Author: Benjamin (Rockers Team)


* If you have a Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium key, use it. Otherwise buy a Genuine key from Microsoft.
* Remember, This is not a Pirated Vista (i.e, No Patches or No Activators included in the DVD)

Minimum System Requirements:
· 25 GB of HDD space
· 128 MB Graphics Memory (Capable to run Aero)
· 17’ inch Monitor (1024 x 768)
· Pixel Shader 2.0
· AMD or Intel 64 Bit Capable Processors
. Active Internet Connection

Note: Start a fresh installation from the BIOS and install it in a separate partition. Format the selected drive for installation before proceeding the other steps. Don't try to install this edition in Non-supportive Motherboards.

Features,overview and updates of Windows Vista® Alienware 2010 x86:
* Service Pack 2 Integrated
* All Latest Drivers Integrated
* ATI and NVIDIA Tweaker integrated (All in one)
* Specially tweaked for Alienware Machines
* Alienware Bluetooth driver added
* Alienware Gaming Pad driver added
* New Windows Sounds
* Internet Explorer 8
* 7-zip for extraction purpose.
* Adobe Flash Player plugin
* Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
* Orbit Downloader
* K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
* Mozilla Firefox
* Java Runtime Environment update 20
* Low Memory consumption
* Added command prompt to right click context menu
* ImgBurn
* Notepad ++
* CCleaner
* Added Group policy and Registry editor to control panel
* Updated DirectX upto February 2010
* Exclusive Dreamscenes and enabled dreamscene package
* Optimized system registry and system files
* More Stable and Reliable
* UAC Disabled
* New Look for Windows Media Player
* New Shortcut Arrows
* Guy's Search
* Hide and Unhide Files
* Hide and Unhide Folders
* Grant Admin Full control
* Menu bars and window frames opaque
* Show extensions for known file types
* Enabled IE Phishing Filter
* User Account 2 on Control Panel
* Low Memory consumption
* Enabled Glass Effect without a supported card
* Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting
* Added command prompt to right click context menu
* Enabled addition Avalon effects
* Disabled Tool Tips
* Enabled ClearType Tuning
* Added 'Copy to Folder' , 'Move to Folder' , 'Open with Notepad' to right click context
* Disabled Windows Media Player AutoUpdates
* Menu bars and window frames opaque
* Enabled slow-motion window effects
* VLC Media Player
* Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer
* Added Control Panel to my Computer
* Added Administrative Tools to my Computer
* Added Internet Explorer to my Computer
* Added Network Connections to my Computer
* Added Search to my Computer
* Tweaked Windows Services as per BlackViper Tweaked and safe mode
* Added Printers to my Computer
* Added ATI and NVIDIA drivers
* Added Run and Windows Flip Switcher to my Computer
* Faster browsing with IE
* Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
* Disabled kernel paging
* Turned off system beeps
* Stopped caching negative responses
* Take Ownership, Device manager, Group policy, Registry Editor in the right click
* Patched uxtheme files to use 3rd party themes.
* Faster Shutdown ( 3 seconds services kill timeout.)
* Fast Booting Time
* Improved the performance and reliability
* Add Useraccounts 2 on ControlPanel.
* PowerOff after shutdown
* High quality Icons
* Changed command line text color to white
* Set mouse pointer speed to maximum
* Removed the annoying clicking sound
* Disabled automatic restart in the event of a blue screen
* Tweaked up shell response
* Hibernation is Disabled.
* Removed warning about showing hidden system folders
* Shutdown when you click power Button on start Menu
* Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 )
* New look for Windows Media Center
* Allow renaming and removing of Recycle Bin
* Makes a right click option for unknown files
* Notepad saves window position
* Opens 16-bit apps in a separate memory space. This increases stability when dealing with 16-bit apps.
* Enabled Word wrap in Notepad
* Enabled Status Bar in all windows
* New Themes added
* 360 Sidebar Gadgets
* Enabled search system folders in Search
* System Files are boosted upto maximum Performance
* Removed Old Default Graphics card drivers
* Faster Application load Time
* Added Many new tweaks apart from mentioned here
* Specifies the time, following user input, during which the system keeps apps from moving into the foreground.
* Most recent windows updates integrated
* Resolved some reliability issues in the USB core components
* Added hotfix for resolving some performance and reliability issues
* Improved the reliability of Windows Media Player
* Resolved an issue where messages become stuck in the Outbox and cannot be deleted when using Windows Mail
* Resolved a set of known application compatibility issues
* Resolved the issue in which Microsoft Windows Search Indexer stops working and closes.
* Resolved an issue in VBScript/JScript scripts from CScript\WScript hosts, certain built-ins may not function correctly when “Standards and Formats” in “Regional Settings” is changed.
* Updated IR Set Top Box database for Media Center.
* Updated to show new error codes provided for WUSAS for update detection vendors.
* Resolved an issue where an error message is displayed when installing a new hardware device on a system running vista.
* Resolved potential Graphics Virtual Address problems that may occur when running Windows Vista.
* Updated ActiveX Killbits
* This windows can support latest motherboards.
* Fixed : The internal storage is available when you synchronize content from Windows Media Player to a Windows Mobile 5-based device with AKU 2.3 or a later AKU
* Fixed : You may be prompted to activate Windows on a computer.
* Fixed : You may not find the file that you want when you use Advanced Search to search by date and you use a non-Gregorian calendar format
* Support for SD High Capacity (SDHC) cards that are 8 gigabytes (GB) or larger
* Fixed : The computer may respond very slowly as the Phishing Filter evaluates
* Updated Windows Mail
* Fixed : Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution.
* Cumalative update for Windows Media Center
* Fixed : SATA optical drives are not available after you start a Windows Vista-based computer
* Fixed : Error message when you try to open or to create a protected XPS document by using the XPS viewer that is included with the .NET Framework 3.0: "Cannot open this document because your permissions have expired"
* Fixed : Performance for a WPF-based program that uses the layered windows feature may be less than expected in Windows Vista
* It Use less Virtual address Space
* Fixed : A Windows Vista-based computer may crash when a SATA hard disk drive uses Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA) mode.
* Fixed : An application that uses version 7 of the Video Mixing Renderer may crash when you pause video in Windows Vista.
* Fixed : You cannot write to a BD-RE disc or to a DVD-RAM disc on a Windows Vista SP1-based computer even after you disable the write-protection feature.
* Fixed : The video application crashes when you play a video if five or more monitors are attached to the computer.
* Fixed : Noticeable problems occur in the video when you use the DirectSound renderer on Windows Vista.
* Fixed : The System Center Operations Manager 2007 console may crash in Windows Vista when you open the Health Explorer window.
* Fixed : The video playback application stops responding when you watch video or Live TV on a Windows Vista-based computer.
* Fixed : Microsoft Windows Search Indexer stopped working and was closed.

Mediafire Download link click here :D

Windows 7 RTM Theme For Windows XP

0 komentar

How to Use:

1. Once you download the ZIP file, extract it. You'll get a folder "SevenVG RTM Theme for Windows XP by Vishal Gupta".

2. In this folder, you'll get 5 more folders:

Extra Common Tasks (This folder contains 2 extra shell styles: Bottom and Left dark blue.)
Fonts (This folder contains Segoe UI fonts required for the theme. Run Fonts.exe file to install them.)
Iconized Taskbar Hack (This folder contains registry script to enable Iconized taskbar in Windows XP.)
Styler Toolbar (This folder contains "Styler" setup file and "SevenVG RTM" Styler skin. You can apply it to get Windows 7 look-like commandbar in Windows XP Explorer.) To know more about Styler and how to use it, visit this link.
Theme (This folder contains the main theme. Run Theme.exe file to install it.)
3. Run "Theme.exe" file present in "Theme" folder and apply the theme using Desktop Properties.

4. Also make sure you have patched the "uxtheme.dll" file to be able to use 3rd party themes in Windows.

Windows XP Pro SP3 Genuine Bootable ISO

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Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Professional Genuine Bootable MSDN ISO
100% Genuine, Untouched And Bootable

Windows Server 2011 Standard Edition Beta x64

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Windows Server 2011 Standard Edition Beta x64 | 6.35 GB
Designed and priced especially for small businesses with up to 75 users, Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard (SBS 2011 Standard) is a complete solution designed for customers who want enterprise-class technologies in an affordable, all-in-one suite.
Built on Windows Server 2008 R2, SBS 2011 Standard includes Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, and Windows Software Update Services.
SBS 2011 Standard is a great opportunity for small businesses with prior versions of Windows SBS to upgrade their servers and to simultaneously take advantage of the advancements in security, reliability, and connectivity technology.
To make it easier to upgrade from prior versions, SBS 2011 Standard software includes enhanced migration tools, extensive pre-migration checks, and prescriptive guidance.
1. mount .iso file onto 8Gb disc
2. install

System Requirements
Small Business Server 2011 Standard
Minimum Quad core 2 GHz 64-bit (x64) or faster for 1 socket
Minimum: 8 GB
Recommended: 10 GB*
Maximum: 32 GB
Available Disk Space:
Minimum: 120 GB
Fax Modem:
Fax Services require fax modem
Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
One 1.4 GHz (x64 processor) or faster
Or, one 1.3 GHz dual-core
Minimum: 2 GB
Recommended: 4 GB
Maximum: 32 GB
Available Disk Space:
Minimum: 160 GB
Both Servers
Network Card:
Ethernet network interface card
Internet: Some Internet functionality may require Internet access (fees may apply) and a Windows Live ID Account.
Supported Client Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition SP2; Windows Vista Business and above; Windows Mobile 6.0 or later
Windows Home editions and Mac PC (Leopard and above) supported for Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
Additional requirements:
* DVD-ROM drive
* Super-VGA (800 ? 600) or higher-resolution monitor
* Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Internet access (fees may apply)
*may be required for non-headless installs and form factors

Link Download click here       iso.001   |   iso.002